Meal and Snack Support

Additional encouragement and support are helpful for some during meals or snacks. if this is the case, you can invite a professional from All Voices to virtually join you for the meal.

We will eat with you and provide conversation so that you have the accountability to eat on time and in adequate portions for your body.

These sessions are quite helpful for clients that are struggling to pick up the utensil, take the first and next bite, or take the time to notice the sensations of the food and recognize the satisfaction that comes with a more moderately paced meal.

Are there certain foods that scare you, that overwhelm your emotions and brain, that you just don’t know how it might feel to try them?

Do struggle to eat the amount recommended, either because you can’t complete the meal or you have a hard time sitting with the urges that come with eating?

Would it be helpful to have someone share the experience with you and eat alongside you?

All these realities and many more are the perfect time to ask for assistance and places where we can help.

Gain confidence in your ability to listen to your body and nourish it as it needs.

We are happy to discuss logistics about how the meal or snack session could go if you are interested.

All Voices has meal support packages to get you the help you need at meal or snack time